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Writing Samples

We strive for the highest quality product to make you and your business successful.  Let us tell your story.


Escape to Safety: What's Your Plan B?

May 2020

One of my first international clients lived just outside New York. (We’ll call him Joe). Joe was living the dream with a beautiful wife, great children, and a job as a high level executive at a network. Life was on track. Joe traveled a lot and explored exotic locations: Bali, Hawaii, the Caribbean and in the back of his mind he wondered if each destination would be the perfect place for his future. Plan A was moving right along as he anticipated, or so he thought.



Now's the Time:  6 Ways to Move Forward with a Renovation or New Building

​April 2020

As you sit in your closet (thank goodness if it’s a walk-in), you are glad to finally have a quiet place to work from home. COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down, putting us on an emotional rollercoaster. The news often discourages us, but we know in the long run everything will be alright; we need to keep moving forward. 

I certainly understand, for I’m feeling the same way. This is the time for compassion and for us to support each other. It’s time to look toward the future, and here’s 6 ways on how we can move forward with a renovation or new building.



Create the Perfect Morning Routine for the Office

February 2019

You’ve just arrived at the office and there’s already hustle and bustle.  As office manager – you need to focus and get everyone moving.  Here’s a few tips to create the perfect office morning routine.

Start the day before.  At the end of each workday; make a list of items you want to tackle in the morning.  Have this list ready on your desk for the following morning.  This way you’ll already know what you have planned.  Make sure you look at the next day’s calendar also so you’ll be aware of any events you need to prepare for.


What's the true cost of employee turnover?

February 2019

Nothing is permanent; it’s inevitable for people to leave an organization at some point in time.  But what’s the true cost of losing an employee?   What are the hidden costs when the worker decides to walk out the door of the company for the final time?  Let’s take a look at the real price of talent leaving your workforce.



10 Healthy Snacks for the Office

February 2020

You’re at the office and you’re getting hungry.  You need to keep your mind and body fueled with energy, but you don’t want to just gobble a candy bar.  Take a look at some healthy alternatives to keeping you energized throughout the workday.

Nuts:  Munching on a fist full of nuts will give you both the protein and the fat you need for a quick, pick-me-up.  Whether its almonds, cashews or pistachios (put the shells in the nearest trash bin) – nuts are a great snack.

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